My 2019

Wednesday, December 18, 2019 2 min

2019 image

This post reflects what I was able to achive in terms of experience in 2019.

There were the following areas I was able to gain knowledge:


I learned a lot about the building blocks of a startup:

Besides that I wrote my first business plan (not the favorite thing I’d like to do). Also I gained more insights about building a bootstrapped self-employment.


In terms of learning I was able to learn and improve:

I was using the following frameworks / tools:

I read the following books:

Besides that I read about a lot of topics about the used frameworks (especially Dart / Flutter and Javascript / Typescript).


I was also able to learn a lot about healthy habits. This knowledge was gained by a former colleague, several blog posts, Youtube channels. I also read “Der Ernährungkompass”. As a result I was able to reduce meat consumption and improve my nutrition.

Besides that I was also able to spend more time with my family and in general reduce the stress significantly.

Also I had refreshed some former contacts which was very insightful and kept me socially connected.

This was my 2019 in a nutshell. Not too bad in hindsight.